Chris. Take a deep breath.

And another one.

And another one.

Now then. You are not alone. This is my #1 problem as well. Or, was. I have mostly solved it. With timers.

Sounds counter-intuitive, but having a timer set, and knowing "this is the time I need to be doing This," or "now is the time when I That" makes it easier to let go of other things, because you know they have a place and time as well. And, with a phone in your pocket and likely even a smart watch, having a timer always available is real.

At least worth a try. After all, how can you be a writer if you don't take the time to daydream?

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Thanks for this. Though I hate the idea others are struggling just as much as I am (or have been in the recent past), itโ€™s nice to be reminded that Iโ€™m not alone.

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I find it extremely challenging to...not do anything also ๐Ÿ™ƒ even though I hypocritically tell others to rest. You're definitely not alone. ๐Ÿซ‚

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sending prayers, love, and healing hugs. please do rest and take care of yourself. if you ever need anything, even just a chat or a vent, donโ€™t hesitate to reach out. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿซ‚

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It's okay, Chris. It's perfectly okay to not be screaming toward a deadline, or a hard goal of X words or whatever. Sometimes we creative types need time to just...be.

Breathe. Take in whatever you find beautiful. Do what makes you feel settled.

Eventually, your soul will be calm again. Then you'll figure out the next thing to do.

In the meantime, just...be.

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